Change Logcat color

Preferences (Settings) -> Editor -> Color & Fonts -> Android Logcat.

Assert #BA68C8
Debug #2196F3
Error #F44336
Info #4CAF50
Verbose #BBBBBB
Warning #FF9800

Search for command

CMD + Shift + a (Windows/Linux Ctrl + shift + a)
Using: When you forget a command, you want to search it

Select copy/pastes (manage clipboard)

CMD + Shift + V (Windows/Linux Ctrl + Shift + V)

Open a class

MacOSX: Cmd + O
Windows/Linux : Ctrl + N

Open file

Mac OSX: Cmd + Shift + O
Windows/Linux: Ctrl + Shift + N

Go to implementation

Mac: Cmd + Option + b
Windows/Linux: Ctrl + Alt + b

Go to declaration

Mac: Cmd + b
Window/Linux: Ctrl + b

Go to Type declaration

Mac: Ctrl + Shift + b
Windows/Linux: Ctrl + Shift + b

Go to super

Mac: Cmd + u
Window/ Linux: Ctrl + u

Using: From overrided method and use Go to super, it will navigate to super method