
Application Context: This context is tied to the lifecycle of an application Activity Context: This context is tied to the life cycle of an activity

Allow using Context

  Application Activity Service ContentProvider BroadcastReceiver
Show Dialog NO YES NO NO NO
Start an Activity NO (YES if we use flag NEW_TASK) YES NO NO NO
Layout Inflation NO YES NO NO NO
Start a Service YES YES YES YES YES
Bind to Service YES YES YES YES NO
Send Broadcast YES YES YES YES YES
Register Broadcast Receiver YES YES YES YES NO
Load Resource Values YES YES YES YES YES

Good using

  Application Activity
Create Singleton object which require a Context Should use. Because if we use ActivityContext here, the Singleton object will keep the reference to activity and the activity will not be garbage collected => memory leak Shouldn’t use
Use a object in Library which require a Context Should use Shouldn’t use
Do some thing with GUI Almost can not do, it will return WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window – token null is not for an application. It is not complete Context that supporting everything that Activity does
Show Toast Same, Currently I think we can use ApplicationContext or ActivityContext because no document say which is better but I think we should use ActivityContext because some good developer say only use ApplicationContext when we really need it ( some post say ApplicationContext may crash in some few device( and some developer say Toast is is UI so we should use ActivityContext (however in some case we show Toast outside of Activity so we need ApplicationContext). Conclusion, feel free to use both of theme is same Same
Load resource The same with Toast The same with Toast
Normal object which require a Context (tied with Activity life cycle) Shouldn’t use because it simple not necessary and suitable Should use

Context returned

MainActivity.this -> return Activity context
getBaseContext() -> return Activity context
getApplicationContext -> return Application context
